Sunday, September 22, 2024
HomeLifestyleIf you want to get a golden glow, then follow this skin care routine before sleeping - Top News Bulletin

If you want to get a golden glow, then follow this skin care routine before sleeping – Top News Bulletin

Do you also want to get back the lost glow of your skin? If yes, then you must follow a special skin care routine. By following this skin care routine at night, you can increase the glow of your skin manifold. By following this skin care routine before sleeping, you can also prevent skin related problems from arising. Believe me, night time skin care routine can prove to be a boon for your skin.

Use a cleanser

In the skin care routine, first of all you have to follow the cleansing step. You have to apply cleanser on your face and then massage the face with light hands. To get better results, you should wash your face with lukewarm water.

use toner

When your face dries, you can apply toner on your face. For your information, let us tell you that toner can prove to be effective in balancing the pH level of your skin.

Use serum

After toner comes the turn of serum. Spread just one or two drops of serum gently on the entire face. Serum can prove to be effective in getting rid of skin related problems like acne, blemishes and wrinkles.

Use a moisturizer

To get glowing skin, all beauty products should be of good quality. Apart from this, you have to buy products according to your skin type.

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Image Credit: India-Tv.

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