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HomeLifestyleIf you follow these 6 things, then obesity will never increase, weight can decrease by 4-5 kg ​​in a month - Top News Bulletin

If you follow these 6 things, then obesity will never increase, weight can decrease by 4-5 kg ​​in a month – Top News Bulletin

Obesity cannot be reduced in a day. It requires lifestyle improvement and a healthy lifestyle needs to be followed for a long time. If you are thinking that you will lose weight even after eating everything unhealthy and lots of sweets, then it is difficult. To reduce obesity, you should remember the 6 things told by the dietician. With this, you can lose weight up to 4-5 kg ​​in 1 month. Let's know what is the easy way to lose weight and what lifestyle should you follow?

Weight will be reduced in 1 month

  1. Stop sweets completely- To lose weight, you should completely cut out sugar from your diet. You should not consume sweet things in any form. Be it honey, sugar, jaggery, sugar, maple syrup, you should not eat any kind of sweet.

  2. Reduce the salt- Eating too much salt often leads to water retention in the body. Due to which some people gain a lot of weight. Therefore, keep the amount of salt in the diet to a minimum so that the sodium accumulated in the body starts reducing.

  3. Cut down on calories To lose weight, it is most important that you reduce your calorie intake. That is, if you consume 2000 calories a day, then reducing 700-800 calories from it will give you quick and good weight loss results. Your calorie intake should be according to your work and activity.

  4. What should a meal be like? To lose weight, take as much protein as possible in your diet. Eat a diet rich in nutrients. Make your diet a little compact. Protein increases metabolism. You should definitely take a good meal in a day according to your body.

  5. Improvement in lifestyle- You need to improve your entire lifestyle. For this, set a fixed time for eating, sleeping, workout time etc. This will improve your overall health and reduce the production of stress hormones.

  6. Daily exercise- Exercise also plays an important role in weight loss. It is not that your weight will not reduce unless you burn a lot of calories through exercise. Rather, exercise improves insulin sensitivity in the body. Cells work well, which makes weight loss easier. Do strength training 3-4 days a week.

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Image Credit: India-Tv.

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