Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeLifestyleIf you are suffering from baldness then use onion juice like this, new hair will start growing - Top News Bulletin

If you are suffering from baldness then use onion juice like this, new hair will start growing – Top News Bulletin

Hair fall has become a common problem in the last few years. However, continuous hair fall leads to baldness in the head. People adopt many remedies to prevent hair fall. Many types of home remedies also prove to be very effective. To reduce hair fall and avoid baldness, apply onion juice to your hair. This will eliminate many hair related problems. Applying onion juice reduces hair fall and new hair can also grow again. Know how to apply onion juice on hair?

How to Extract Onion Juice

To extract onion juice, you will have to take 2-3 large onions. Now peel them and chop them. Grind the onions in a blender and extract the juice by squeezing them with the help of a fine sieve or cloth. Store this onion juice in an airtight container. To extract onion juice, you need good quality onions. For this, take only ripe or red onions. This type of onion has a high amount of sulfur.

The right way to apply onion juice to hair

  1. Before applying onion juice, do a patch test on a small area. Do not use it if there is any irritation or allergy. If there is no problem then you can apply it on hair and scalp.
  2. First shampoo your hair and dry it thoroughly. Now apply onion juice to the scalp and hair follicles. Now take onion juice with the help of a cotton and apply it thoroughly on the scalp.
  3. Now keep massaging the scalp with light hands for about 5-10 minutes. This will improve blood circulation and the onion juice will reach the hair follicles well.
  4. Now tie your hair like this for about 30 minutes. Onion juice gives out a strong smell. So if you want, cover your hair with a shower cap.
  5. Now wash your hair with a mild shampoo. This will remove the onion juice from your hair. Now apply a conditioner. Onion juice makes your hair very dry, so apply a conditioner after washing.
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Image Credit: India-Tv.

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