On the day of Diwali, do not forget to shine the silver, brass and copper idols and utensils kept in the home temple. Some people worship only metal idol every year. In such a situation, it is necessary to clean the temple and utensils before Diwali puja. Due to not cleaning for a long time, the utensils turn black and the shine of the idols fades. Today we are telling you such a trick by which you can clean puja utensils, copper, brass and silver idols in minutes. You will not need to scrub or rub and your cleaning work will be done within minutes.
Easy way to clean puja utensils:
For this, take 1 tablespoon of tartar in a mug or any vessel. Tartary is a name for citric acid, which has a mild acid and is used for sourness. Now add 1 teaspoon table salt in it. Add about 1 small glass of water as per the vessel and mix both the things.
Now dip all the copper and brass utensils in this solution of tartar. You will see that as soon as the tartar is immersed in water, the dirt and blackness accumulated in the utensils starts getting cleared. Wherever this tartar water is applied, the utensils will become completely clean. Just like this you will start cleaning the dirt from the utensils.
Clean all the utensils. Now clean them thoroughly with a liquid dishwasher. After polishing the utensils, clean them with a dry cloth. If you keep the utensils like this then there will be water marks on them. With this trick all your work will be done in minutes.
How to clean silver idols and utensils?
To clean silver utensils or idols, use Colgate with white powder. Rub it a little on the vessel or idol and you will see that the silver starts shining brightly. You can use any white toothpaste. This will make the silver as clean as new.
Image Credit: India-Tv.