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HomeLifestyleAttention Such symptoms can appear on the face due to deficiency of Vitamin B12 - Top News Bulletin

Attention Such symptoms can appear on the face due to deficiency of Vitamin B12 – Top News Bulletin

If there is a deficiency of any nutrient in your body, then some symptoms visible on your body and your skin constantly try to tell you about it. For your information, let us tell you that Vitamin B12 is also an essential nutrient to keep you healthy. If deficiency of this vitamin develops in your body, then you may have to face many health related problems. Let us know about some symptoms indicating the deficiency of this vitamin on the skin.

There may be marks on the skin

If yellow marks have started appearing on your face and skin, then this symptom may indicate deficiency of Vitamin B12. The problem of hyperpigmentation can also arise due to deficiency of Vitamin B12. Apart from this, acne on the face can also be a sign of deficiency of this vitamin.

dry dull skin

Even if your skin has started becoming excessively dry, you should be careful. Apart from this, swollen eyes can also indicate the deficiency of this vitamin. Apart from this, if you are feeling symptoms like anemia, fatigue and weakness, then you should be careful and include Vitamin B12 rich food items in your diet.

How to fill the gap?

If you want, you can overcome the deficiency of this vitamin by consuming pistachios. Apart from this, a good amount of Vitamin B12 is also found in eggs. If you are a non-vegetarian, you can get rid of this vitamin deficiency by making fish a part of your diet.

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Image Credit: India-Tv.

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