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HomeLifestyleApplying honey on the face will remove wrinkles, use it like this for skin tightening - Top News Bulletin

Applying honey on the face will remove wrinkles, use it like this for skin tightening – Top News Bulletin

Special care of the face is necessary with increasing age. Aging first brings wrinkles and fine lines on the face. From which your age can be estimated. However, many times people's faces have such a glow that you cannot find out their age. Freckles, wrinkles or any kind of lines are not visible on the face. The big reason behind this is skin care routine and lifestyle. Wrong eating habits, bad lifestyle, drinking less water, smoking and taking too much stress increase wrinkles. Due to wrinkles, the face looks old and lifeless. Nowadays people take many types of treatments for this. However, such treatments have some disadvantages too. It would be better if you try to reduce your wrinkles naturally.

To reduce wrinkles, it is important to keep the skin hydrated. For this, improve your lifestyle and try some home remedies. To get rid of wrinkles, you can use honey on your face. Honey keeps the skin hydrated and helps in tightening the skin. Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are found in honey. Which removes blemishes and makes the skin glowing. This can also reduce the problem of acne. Know the benefits and correct way of applying honey on the face.

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Apply honey on face to get rid of wrinkles

Mix aloe vera gel in honey- To reduce wrinkles on the face, mix aloe vera gel with honey and apply it. Applying aloe vera gel provides vitamin C, vitamin E and antioxidants to the skin. This keeps the skin soft and retains moisture. This also reduces wrinkles on the face. Mix 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel in 1 teaspoon of honey. Massage the skin with it gently. Leave it on the face overnight and wash the face with lukewarm water in the morning. You must apply it 2-3 times a week.

Mix milk in honey- If you want to remove wrinkles or tighten the skin, then use honey and milk together. Mix 1 teaspoon of raw milk in 1 teaspoon of honey and apply it on the face. Now massage the face with this. You have to massage with light hands. If you want, leave it overnight or wash it after 1-2 hours. After keeping it overnight, wash the face with normal water in the morning. This will make your skin glow and the fine lines will also reduce.

Image Credit: India-Tv.

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