A case of threat to kill Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has come to light. This threat has been given over phone. According to the information, a threatening call was received at the traffic control room of Mumbai Police. The person calling has threatened to kill Prime Minister Narendra Modi. After the threatening call, the police is on alert mode and is investigating the matter.
'The entire plan has been made' – the one who threatened
According to the information received so far, the caller threatened to kill Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said that the entire plan has been made. At present, Mumbai Police has started investigation in this matter and the accused is being searched and all protocols are being followed.
Mentally disturbed woman identified
According to information received from police sources, the accused has been identified. In this case, a woman has been identified by registering a case at Amboli Police Station in Mumbai. Police have said that the arrest process will be completed soon. According to the information received from the police, the woman is mentally disturbed. However, at present the process in this matter will be completed as per all protocols.
The series of threats is increasing
For some time now, the number of threatening calls and emails has been increasing one after the other in different states of the country. Bomb threats on flights have also increased in recent times. In Maharashtra too, bomb threats have been made at many places including Mumbai, but nothing was found in the police investigation. Just a few months ago, a bomb threat was issued in more than 100 schools of Delhi-NCR, after which there was a stir. Delhi Police took immediate action and investigated but nothing suspicious was found in the investigation.
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Image Credit: India-Tv.