Patna: Assembly elections are to be held in Maharashtra and Jharkhand on Saturday. Before this, Union Minister Giriraj Singh has once again raised the issue of infiltration. Giriraj Singh has said before voting that people will never vote for those who support Rohingya and who divide the society. He further said that when you go to vote tomorrow, do not just go to elect MLA, but go for the future of your children, go for the respect of your daughters-in-law. Regarding Jharkhand, he said that they (JMM-Congress) want to make Dumka area into Bangladesh, want to make Jharkhand into Bangladesh and want to make Ranchi into Karachi.
Vote to respect multi-daughters
Union Minister Giriraj Singh said, “Tomorrow there are elections in Maharashtra and Jharkhand. The people of Maharashtra have decided that they will never vote for Rahul Gandhi, who supports Rohingya and divides the society.” He further said, “Yogi Adityanath has said, 'If you stay united, you will be safe, if you divide, you will be cut'. I pray, appeal, request the people of Jharkhand that when you go to vote tomorrow, do not just elect MLA. Go, but go for the future of your children, go for the honor of your daughters-in-law.”
Daughter, soil and bread are in danger
Giriraj Singh told the voters, “See the way Hemant Soren and Congress are supporting the Rohingyas and Bangladeshis there, the daughter-soil and bread are in danger in Jharkhand, you should vote for this too. Otherwise this (JMM Congress wants to make Dumka region into Bangladesh and wants to make Ranchi into Karachi. If you stay united, you will be safe. Keep in mind the slogan 'If you divide, you will be divided'. These are the ones who divide, we are not ready to be divided now.”
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Image Credit: India-Tv.