There was a huge uproar in the Rajya Sabha on Monday between members of the ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the opposition Congress. The NDA accused the Congress of destabilizing the country's government and economy through foreign organizations. The BJP alleged that former Congress president Sonia Gandhi has links with an organization funded by American businessman George Soros' Foundation, which has supported the idea of separating Kashmir from India. BJP leaders raised loud slogans demanding discussion on the issue, due to which the Rajya Sabha proceedings were adjourned till 3:00 pm after two adjournments.
Case related to Rajiv Gandhi Trust
Amid the uproar, BJP leader JP Nadda alleged that Congress leaders are endangering the security and stability of the country by colluding with foreign organizations and industrialists like George Soros. He also claimed that organizations like 'Forum of Democratic Leaders in Asia Pacific' view Jammu and Kashmir as a separate entity and its financial support is linked to Rajiv Gandhi Trust.
Kharge rejected the allegations
Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar repeatedly tried to pacify both the parties, but the uproar continued. Meanwhile, leaders of Congress and other opposition parties alleged that ruling party members were deliberately disrupting the House proceedings to avoid discussion on controversial issues like Adani and George Soros.
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Image Credit: India-Tv.