New Delhi: Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge said on Friday that the party is not performing as per expectations in many states and the biggest need is to strengthen the organization. Tweeting on the X handle, Kharge said that in many states, our organization has not lived up to the expectations. Our biggest need is to strengthen the organization.
In the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting, Mallikarjun Kharge told all the members in front of Rahul Gandhi that we need to immediately take lessons from the election results and correct all our weaknesses and shortcomings at the organizational level. These results are a message for us. Unless we fight elections unitedly, how will we be able to give political defeat to our opponents? Therefore it is important that everyone follows discipline.
Just being in favor of the environment does not guarantee victory.
Kharge said that the atmosphere was in our favor in the recent elections. But mere favorable environment does not guarantee victory. We have to learn to convert the environment into results. What is the reason why we are not able to take advantage of the environment? That is why we have to work hard and formulate a strategy in a timely manner. We have to strengthen our organization up to the booth level.
Success cannot be achieved all the time by following old patterns.
In the CWC meeting, he said that we cannot achieve success all the time by following the old pattern. You have to see what your political opponent is doing on a daily basis. We have to take decisions on time. Accountability has to be fixed. Kharge said that we will have to improve the methods of contesting elections in every situation. Because times have changed. The methods of contesting elections have changed. We need to know our communication strategy
Will have to do better than the opponents. He told the members that sometimes we become our own worst enemies. We do not have any narrative, so I ask whose responsibility is it to create the narrative and disseminate it to the public?
Poor performance of Congress in three states
Image Credit: India-Tv.