A case has come to light from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, knowing about which you will be completely surprised that someone can do such stupidity. Actually, a boy named Prabhu, who was doing a course in Artificial Intelligence in an engineering college, suddenly jumped down from the fourth floor of his college hostel. He did this because he believed that he had super power inside him and he had nothing to do with it. It is a matter of relief that he did not die but he suffered some injuries on his hands, legs and head. A footage of this incident has also surfaced. Let us tell you what is seen in the video.
What was seen in the CCTV footage?
In the video that has surfaced, it is seen that two boys are standing near the balcony wall of the hostel and both are using their phones. Then a boy wearing a blue T-shirt comes running from behind and jumps down from there. Before the boys already standing there could understand or do anything, the boy jumps down. He suffered some injuries to his hands, legs and head after jumping down from the fourth floor.
Watch that video here
Soon after Prabhu jumped and fell down, he was admitted to a private hospital for treatment where he is undergoing treatment. In this matter, Chettipalayam Police has registered the case and has also started its investigation.
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Image Credit: India-Tv.