Amritsar: Akal Takht has sentenced former Deputy Chief Minister of Punjab Sukhbir Singh Badal to severe punishment. Along with Badal, other cabinet members during the Shiromani Akali Dal government have also been sentenced. Under this punishment, all these people have been ordered to serve as 'sevadaar' in the Golden Temple Amritsar and clean dirty utensils and shoes. Jathedar Giani Raghbir Singh has given this order from the 'Faseel' (platform) of Akal Takht. After the announcement of this punishment, the working committee of Shiromani Akali Dal demanded Sukhbir Badal's resignation from the post of party president.
Salary was also announced
Sukhbir Singh Badal on Monday admitted that he had played a role in getting pardon for Dera chief Ram Rahim during the Akali Dal government. A meeting of five Singh Sahibans was held at the Akal Takht regarding this matter, in which he and other cabinet members during the Shiromani Akali Dal government have been sentenced on charges of religious misconduct. Let us tell you that before this, Akal Takht had also declared Sukhbir Singh Badal as 'Tankhaiyya' (guilty of religious misconduct).
What punishment was given, what work would have to be done?
Sukhbir Badal and Sukhdev Dhindsa have been ordered to clean utensils and shoes and also listen to 'kirtan' for an hour.
The Jathedar directed other Akali leaders like Sucha Singh Langa, Hira Singh Gabria, Balwinder Singh Bhunder, Daljit Singh Cheema and Gulzar Singh to clean the bathrooms at the Golden Temple for an hour and then clean the utensils at the Guru ka Langar service. Has gone.
These leaders have also been ordered to listen to Kirtan for one hour.
Akali leaders like Bibi Jagir Kaur, Prem Singh Chandumajra, Surjit Singh Rekhda, Bikram Singh Majithia, Mahesh Inder Singh Greenwal, Charanjit Singh Atwal and Aadesh Pratap Singh Kairon have also been asked to clean bathrooms at the Golden Temple.
What was the mistake of these people including Sukhbir
This also included non-punishment of the culprits in the 2015 holy book desecration case.
Image Credit: India-Tv.