Jamui: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of several development projects worth Rs 6,640 crore on the occasion of the birth anniversary of tribal leader Birsa Munda in Jamui, Bihar. On this occasion of Tribal Pride Day, PM Modi said that the tribal community of the country did not get justice earlier. During his visit to Jamui, the Prime Minister took a selfie which is being discussed a lot. In this special selfie taken at a stall, the Prime Minister is seen with a woman and a man.
This special selfie was taken in the exhibition
Let us tell you that PM Modi was at an exhibition organized in Jamui on Tribal Pride Day, where various products related to tribal communities were being displayed. A similar stall was also set up by Dharmadurai and Ezhilarasi. He is from Ariyalur district of Tamil Nadu and belongs to the Irula tribe. He asked the Prime Minister for a selfie and the Prime Minister happily obliged. There was a lot of happiness visible on the faces of both of them after taking their selfie with the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister also looked very happy on this occasion.
PM Modi took a jibe at Congress in Jamui
Earlier, PM Modi termed 'education, earning and medicine' as the top priority of his government for the tribal people and said that his government created a separate ministry for the welfare of this community and increased the budget from Rs 25,000 crore to Rs 1.25 lakh crore. . Taking a dig at Congress, PM Modi said that if the country got independence because of one family, then why did Birsa Munda start the 'Ulgulan' movement? He said that many tribal leaders had played an important role in the freedom struggle. Modi alleged that the previous governments never worked for the welfare of the tribal people.
Image Credit: India-Tv.