A man from Noida, Uttar Pradesh has been arrested for stealing a five-crore-year-old fossil from the Geological Survey of India (GSI) stall. In fact, GSI had also set up a stall in the Indian International Trade Fair 2024 in the capital Delhi. Here, a five crore year old 'gastropod fossil' was kept at the stall of the Geological Survey of India, which was stolen. After this the police investigated and arrested the accused person.
Learn about stolen fossils
According to the police, on November 21, an incident of theft of fossils took place in hall number four of the 'Mines Pavilion' of the ministry. Stolen 'gastropod fossil' is the preserved remains of an ancient snail. For information, let us tell you that Geological Survey of India (GSI) was established in 1851 as a Government of India organization under the Ministry of Mining. The organization is also India's leading provider of basic earth science information to government, industry and the general public.
This is how the accused was caught
Delhi Police has given information about this incident on Tuesday. Police said in a statement that more than 100 CCTV footages of the incident site and surrounding stalls, pavilions and halls were scrutinized to identify the accused of stealing 50 million years old fossils. After this the accused was identified and then with the help of information the police team conducted a raid and arrested the accused in Sector 22 of Noida. The accused has been identified as 49-year-old Manoj Kumar Mishra.
Fossil recovered from the accused
When interrogated by the police, accused Manoj Kumar Mishra confessed to the theft. The police have also recovered the stolen gastropod fossil from the accused. The accused is an employee of a five star hotel in Noida. The accused has keen interest in various art forms and hence keeps visiting the fair. (input language)
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Image Credit: India-Tv.