New Delhi. You must have seen white coloured sugar candy, but have you ever eaten brown coloured Taal Mishri. If not, then we will tell you what Taal Mishri is and how beneficial it can prove to be for our health.
Tal Mishri, which looks like a stone, is not only full of sweetness but due to the nutrients present in it, it can prove to be a relief in diseases like dizziness, anemia, lack of energy, bleeding from the nose, cough etc. Apart from this, it can also be beneficial for the brain and for lactating women.
Actually, sugar is a refined sugar. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to stay away from it. White sugar candy is better than sugar but tal mishri is rich in nutrients. Therefore, its consumption in appropriate quantity is beneficial.
The most important thing is that it is not a refined product. No chemical is used in making it. Therefore, it can be given to children of 6 months. Elements like calcium, iron, phosphorus are found in abundance in Tal Mishri. This strengthens the bones and teeth of the body.
You can consume Taal Mishri to overcome the deficiency of blood in the body. Its regular consumption increases the level of hemoglobin in the body and the blood circulation in the body also remains proper. Taal Mishri has many benefits for blood sugar.
Tal mishri contains a lot of glucose which works as an energy booster for the body. Eating tal mishri mixed with some things makes it even more beneficial. Consuming tal mishri mixed with black pepper powder and ghee provides relief from cough. It also strengthens the digestive system.
Eating Tal Mishri and Fennel together improves the digestive system. It also acts as a feel good factor in problems like anxiety and stress.
However, despite so many qualities, it is very important that Tal Mishri is consumed in limited quantity. Everything has side effects if consumed in excess.
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Image Credit: Khas-Khabar.