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HomeHealthSteps to Health: What happens by walking 10,000 steps every day?

Steps to Health: What happens by walking 10,000 steps every day?

New Delhi. Walking is an activity that is recommended to be included in almost every fitness routine. Generally, if a person walks a distance of about 1.5 to 2 miles a day, he walks about 3,000 to 4,000 steps. Even by walking this many steps, you can reduce the risk of premature death due to any disease. And if you can walk even a little more than half of this, you can reduce the risk of death from heart diseases. A study has also been published about this in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. But the question is, if you are aiming to walk 10,000 steps daily, then what will happen with this?

You may have heard that one should walk at least 10,000 steps per day. Interestingly, the goal of walking 10,000 steps per day was not born out of any scientific discovery, but a marketing campaign. Walking more has its benefits, but walking 10,000 steps per day is not a magic formula. Even 4,000 steps can be beneficial. Each has its own benefits. For example, a research by JAMA has found that walking more is definitely beneficial. And it also concludes that the ideal number of steps per day should be between 9,000 and 10,500.

Your daily walking goal may change depending on factors such as age, fitness level, and health. As we age, our bodies' efficiency decreases, so we expend more energy per step than we did before. So we may need to walk less to get the same benefits. When we're younger, 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day may be a good goal, while later in life, 6,000 to 8,000 steps may be sufficient.

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So if you are aiming for 10,000 steps straight away, first know how many steps you are taking right now. Knowing this will give you a baseline, from which you can gradually increase the number of your steps. Adding 1,000 extra steps every two weeks can be a great strategy so that your body can easily adapt to this new routine.

Now let's talk about the benefits of walking. So this is an exercise that you can do without any special equipment or gym membership. You just need a good pair of shoes and then you are ready to walk. Walking can improve your overall health. Regular walking can reduce the risk of serious health problems like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and even depression.

According to various studies, if you already walk 10,000 steps a day, it has a positive effect on your mood and brain. Your joints become more flexible. Walking this much every day also burns calories and helps you lose weight. If you walk fast, it improves your lung capacity. It also improves heart health and can reduce heart diseases by up to 50 percent. It can also reduce the chances of stroke in women. It also reduces the risk of diabetes. It also increases immunity and sleep also becomes better than before.

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Health experts recommend that 150 minutes of brisk walking a week is essential for your health. But if you are far from this target, you can gradually increase the number of your steps. Start with small steps. You can walk for 10 minutes a day, then gradually increase it to 30 minutes five days a week.

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Image Credit: Khas-Khabar.

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