New Delhi . Almost everyone is troubled by the problem of cracked heels during winter. To cure these, people adopt many methods.
To talk about this problem, spoke to dermatologist Dr. Divya Sahay.
Talking about the problem of cracked heels, Dr. Divya Sahay said, “Many people are troubled by the problem of cracked heels during the winter season. Cracked heels are a common problem in winter. In most cases this is due to dryness and dryness of the skin.
He said, “We can get rid of this problem by taking proper skin care to avoid this condition. In this, first of all it is very important to take care of the feet and soles.
He further said that there can be many reasons for cracked heels. If it is bursting in winter then the cold dry wind blowing in winter may be responsible for it. During this time, the cold air reaches deep into the skin of the heels and due to this the moisture gets reduced.
Talking about its remedies, the dermatologist said, “It is very important to moisturize the heels regularly. Exfoliation can be done very lightly once a week. If they're already cracked, soak your feet in Vaseline.''
He further said, “In case of such a problem, keep wearing socks overnight. You will see the change yourself in a few days.
He further said, “Avoid bathing with hot water in winter as it makes your skin lose moisture.”
He stressed that we should maintain the habit of wearing socks. Also said that in winter we often forget the most important thing, drinking water, which is not right.
The doctor suggested maintaining hydration in winters for healthy skin, otherwise as the condition worsens, fungal infections, inflammation and even painful wounds start occurring.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.