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HomeHealthPrevent black hair from turning white today, follow these methods

Prevent black hair from turning white today, follow these methods

New Delhi. Everyone knows that with the fading of beauty, the hair also starts turning grey. But if this happens before a certain age, it feels very bad.

Nowadays it is seen that most people’s hair starts turning grey before time. Which is a very serious problem. Today we will tell you about some such remedies, by which you can prevent your hair from turning grey.

A research has also revealed that premature graying of hair can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Regarding this, spoke to Nutritionist and Lifestyle Educator Dr. Nidhi Chaudhary.

He said that by adopting certain things in your routine, graying of hair at an early age can be prevented.

The nutritionist said, “First of all, it is important to avoid stress at all. Many researches have shown that stress can cause premature graying of hair, so it is important that we keep stress away from our daily lives.”

He further said, “The best way to relieve stress is yoga. It works to reduce stress in a better way.”

Dr. Nidhi Chaudhary said, “To prevent hair from turning grey soon, one needs to take a good diet. Good food helps in keeping hair healthy as well as black. For this, eat green vegetables along with fresh fruits. Along with this, increase the amount of protein, vitamin C and vitamin B12 in the food.”

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He further said, “To keep the hair healthy, it is important to protect the hair from pollution and external dirt.”

Along with this, he said that sometimes due to some physical problem, hair can turn grey before time. For this, it is very important to get a check-up done on time.

Image Credit: Khas-Khabar.

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