New Delhi . Digital methods are not as effective in diagnosing tonsillitis. This has come to light in a study.
Tonsillitis is a painful infection of the tonsils (two lymph nodesglands in the back of the throat). Its symptoms include swelling of the tonsils, sore throat and difficulty in swallowing.
A recent study has shown that digital tests are not always accurate. Due to this, the problem in the throat may increase further.
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, said that tonsillitis is usually treated with antibiotics. Determining whether antibiotics are needed may not be as accurate through digital examination as through physical examination.
Doctors use the “Centaur Criteria” to determine the need for antibiotics. In this, fever, swollen lymph nodes and tonsils are inspected. However, researchers say it is not clear whether these parameters can be assessed during digital counseling as accurately as in traditional inperson counseling.
“Our research shows that digital healthcare consultations may be convenient for many patients but they are not reliable enough to accurately assess tonsillitis,” said Patricia WoldanGradalska, PhD student at Sahlgrenska Academy. Physical examination is still important for treatment.”
The study included 189 patients who sought help from healthcare clinics and emergency care clinics in Sweden from January 2020 to October 2023.
Every patient in the study was examined twice. Once through digital medical examination and second time through physical examination by the doctor.
The results showed that digital healthcare consultations are not able to accurately assess important parameters such as tonsil inspection and lymph node examination.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.