Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeHealthLove chocolate lava cake? Try this healthy, protein-packed recipe for a guilt-free treat

Love chocolate lava cake? Try this healthy, protein-packed recipe for a guilt-free treat

How to ensure chocolate lava cake turns out soft and gooey?

The gooey center of chocolate lava cake is what makes it so irresistible. To achieve this, make sure to place a large enough piece of chocolate in the center. Otherwise, your chocolate lava cake won't be as gooey as you'd like. Also, make sure not to overcook it or it will get tough.

What to serve with chocolate lava cake?

Chocolate lava cake tastes great on its own, but if you're craving something to accompany it, feel free to pair it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Remember to keep portion control though, as we're trying to keep the food healthy.

How to Make a High Protein Chocolate Lava Cake | Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe

Watch the full recipe video below:

Make this high protein chocolate lava cake at home and enjoy it guilt-free! Let us know how it tasted in the comments below.


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