New Delhi. Undisturbed sleep is very important for health. How? So just follow the simple principles of our own medical system. Ayurveda is not about treatment but about living life in the right way. So just follow some special principles in life and be worry free.
The classical Ayurvedic text, Ashtanga Hridayam, says that sleep holds the key to your good and bad, healthy and sick life. The ancient Indian system states that sleep, ahara (food) and brahmacharya (energy management) are the three pillars of health. Good sleep helps in digestion and absorption. The question arises, if there is any benefit from it, then what is it?
When your digestion is good, the morning is pleasant. The day begins with freshness, alertness and happiness. And very apt for the working class! Good sleep can also improve our decision-making ability.
So what is the solution? First of all, take a good bath in the evening before going to bed. Bathing removes the tiredness of the whole day and also gives a feeling of freshness.
The second important thing that our elders have said and the wise people repeat is that do not finish your dinner just before going to bed, rather complete this important task at least two hours before going to bed.
The third important thing is to do vajrasana after eating. About 15-20 minutes after eating. This eliminates problems like acidity. It provides relief from digestive problems and does not disturb sleep.
To get a good sleep after Vajrasana, one should sit for some time with the feet immersed in lukewarm water. Doctors are of the opinion that this helps in proper blood circulation.
After taking the feet out of lukewarm water, the next task is very easy. Massage the feet with light hands. This also keeps the blood circulation right and also controls BP. Massage with sesame oil is beneficial.
The sixth remedy that can bring strength to the forehead is applying balm on the forehead. The question arises that if all the remedies have been tried then why this? Just like applying oil on the feet relieves fatigue, similarly applying balm on the forehead can also help. This relaxes the muscles.
Finally, there is an easy solution. It refreshes the mind and heart! Finally, you can read a good book or novel. One that does not have any negative things in it.
These small but wonderful remedies can eliminate insomnia and induce natural sleep.
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Image Credit: Khas-Khabar.