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HomeHealthI heard about baby shower, what is this 'success shower'?

I heard about baby shower, what is this 'success shower'?

New Delhi. Baby shower is very popular but have you heard about success shower? If not, then get used to hearing it again and again. Women who celebrate the happiness of their family from wedding anniversary, birth of a child, have the right to celebrate their success as well. Success shower talks about this right.

This concept is being adopted rapidly in foreign countries, especially in America. Where it is believed that a woman’s life is not limited to marriage or becoming a mother, life goes beyond that. The situation has not changed even across the seven seas. The battle against ‘gender discrimination’ is being fought there too. Women believe that they often fall prey to ‘gender celebration discrimination’ even in the matter of celebration. The only solution to this for them is the success shower.

This word may sound a bit strange to hear and read, but its purpose is very special and lovely. In this, ‘Gen G or Millennials’ celebrate their own success.

What is a success shower? So it is a party, which is similar to a bridal shower or a baby shower but in which personal and professional success is celebrated. Promoting women empowerment, working women of many foreign companies are accepting it with open arms.

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According to a study, women in India work more than men but their earnings in the service sector are 67% less than them. At the same time, a Pew Research Study in America revealed that women are earning more than men. Despite this, the women there say that they are not getting the respect and recognition they deserve. This thought gave them the idea of ​​celebrating success with their loved ones (only women). Slowly people started joining and the caravan started forming.

In short, if a free-thinking or independent woman is not given the respect she expects from her partner, she knows how to mold him to her liking. This is called success shower!

Image Credit: Khas-Khabar.

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