Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeHealthHow walking with a stick (Nordic walking) can double the health benefits - Agency

How walking with a stick (Nordic walking) can double the health benefits – Agency

We all know that walking is a fantastic way to stay fit, but have you ever wondered what the benefits of walking with a stick are? This form of exercise, known as Nordic walking, takes regular walking to the next level. Nordic walking, with the aid of poles, involves walking with a stick. full body workout that goes beyond simple leg movement. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, Nordic walking It can double the health benefits compared to traditional walking. Here's everything you need to know about how walking with poles can transform your health.

Engage more muscles for a full body workout.

The ability to mobilize the entire body during a walk is one of the most notable advantages of Nordic walking. Most of our musculature Nordic walking involves the muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest and core. When using poles to move forward, the upper body is actively involved. This exercise increases the level of intensity without making us feel like we are making more effort.

Improves posture and balance.

Nordic walking promotes improvement position as it naturally aligns the spine throughout the movement. Keeping your upper body upright when using the poles can reduce leaning and improve overall body mechanics. This type of walking is very helpful for seniors or anyone recovering from an injury. You can walk comfortably on uneven terrain and even when you are tired because the poles offer extra support. Not only can you improve posture and balance, but you can also walk on a flat surface. Not only do they help prevent falls, they also relieve pressure on your back and joints.

Helps improve heart health.

Nordic walking is a great option if you are looking for a simple strategy to improve heart health. It helps strengthen the heart. cardiovascular systemYou may be wondering how. During walking, your heart pumps more blood because you're using more muscles and intensifying the exercise. Nordic walking is a more effective way than regular walking to increase overall heart function and aerobic capacity. This enhanced cardiovascular exercise can help control problems like high blood pressure, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Reduces joint impact

Nordic walking reduces the pressure on your joints, but it intensifies your workout. By distributing your weight evenly across your body, the poles reduce the strain on your ankles, hips, and knees. This makes Nordic walking a low-impact exercise suitable for those with joint problems or arthritis. With the poles, some of the impact is relieved from your joints, allowing you to exercise for longer periods of time without feeling pain. Over time, this can help reduce inflammation and increase joint mobility.

Increases mental well-being

Nordic walking also has various mental benefits. The movement of walking, and walking in nature as well, gives our mind a sense of calm. Regular Nordic walking helps to decrease symptoms of sadness, stress, and anxiety. Endorphins are released during this exercise, which naturally improve mood. The coordination required for Nordic walking increases brain activity, which helps maintain mental acuity as we age.


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