Mumbai . Migraine is a sharp and unbearable pain in the head, whose pain is intense on one side of the head. Migraine pain can last from a few minutes to a few days. The pain of migraine patients increases in cold. In such a situation, eating black pepper can be beneficial for them.
Migraine pain also increases with physical activities, bright light or loud noise.
Migraine pain can occur from small children to older people as well. Generally, due to increasing pain, migraine patients also have to face problems like vomiting, swelling and dizziness. However, the solution to get relief from its pain is in the form of black pepper available in the kitchen.
Black pepper is considered very beneficial in Ayurveda. It is considered a panacea for cold, cough, viral, lung related problems as well as migraine.
Dr. Pramod Anand Tiwari, BAMS, MD, Baba Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Punjab, explained the reason for migraine pain and also how black pepper should be consumed.
He said, “Migraine is severe pain not only in the head but in the entire body. When the nerves of the entire body become tense and then contract, it causes migraine pain. “Starting from one side of the head, it can also extend into the hands along with the neck, shoulders and back.”
He told, “The biggest thing about migraine pain is that when it starts, it is difficult to control it. In such a situation, to get relief, if the medicine is taken during the stress before the pain, then the patient There is relief.”
Throwing light on the medicinal properties of black pepper, the doctor said, “To get relief from migraine, the patient should chew two or three black peppers in his mouth. “This makes them feel better.”
Black pepper contains an enzyme called ‘piperine’, which is antiinflammatory and helpful in relieving migraine pain.”
Vaidya ji also advises caution. According to him, black pepper is hot in nature and its excessive consumption can also cause harm. One should not consume more than two or three black peppers as they are hot and there is a risk of nose bleeding.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.