Along with Survivor host Jeff Probst and game designer Ian Clayman, Exploding Kittens CEO Elan Lee has been working to bring the Survivor reality show experience to the board game realm. With Survivor: The tribe has spoken. Released this month, Lee admitted his obsession with the show in a recent press release (via BGG).
“I've watched every episode of Survivor since the first season, 24 years ago,” Lee notes. “It's had a huge influence on my own game designs.” So it's likely that the show's influence has seeped into our experience of playing Exploding Kitten games over the years. And sure, there are plenty of challenges to inspire board game mechanics on the show, but will it be competing for a spot on this year's best board games list?
Only if he can “outwit, outplay, and outlast” the rest, I imagine.
Lee says he always wanted to translate the long-running program into something people can play at home, but admits that “condensing a multi-week game into less than 30 minutes has been a challenge. After two years of working closely with Jeff Probst, We've finally done it… with all the fun, strategy, alliances and betrayal packaged in one beautiful box.”
You can expect many of the show's main themes to come up, including secret alliances and casting votes, as well as cards that allow you to draw or peek at your opponents' cards. Some cards allow you to declare yourself leader of the tribal council or provide protection from removal. On top of all that, notable contestants from every year appear as playable characters, so you can relive those wild moments.
Survivor: The tribe has spoken. is set to launch on January 12, so keep an eye out in stores if you're a fan of the show and prepare to leave your profits behind in a night of bluffing and sneaky trading.
For more recommendations, why not check out the best card games either The best board games for two players..