In a moment of enigmatic reverie, Nintendo has announced that it will be testing a mysterious new Switch Online feature later this month and inviting up to 10,000 people to participate.
To do so, participants must have an active Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership, and the playtest will require them to download “exclusive software” to their Switch console in order to participate.
To participate, entrants must be at least 18 years old and have a Nintendo Account registered in Japan, US, UK, France, Germany, Italy or Spain. Registrations will open via Nintendo's application form on October 10 at 6 pm PDT and will close on October 15. The test itself will take place from October 23 to November 5.
So what could it be? Something related to that clock thing? The long-awaited relaunch of Miiverse? An upgrade that magically transforms your console into Switch 2? Preemptive legal action for whatever Nintendo wants to pursue this week? Answers on a postcard below.