Internally, the Quest 3S has the same Qualcomm Snapdragon XR Gen 2 processor as the Quest 3, meaning it should be able to run the same games and programs. The new earbuds also use the same hand-tracking Touch Plus controllers, which are included in the package along with a code for next month. Batman: Arkham Shadow and a three-month trial of Meta's Quest+ subscription service. A $400 package with 256GB of internal storage will also be available.
A series of external sensors on the front of the Quest 3S give it the same “high-resolution full-color streaming” video capabilities as the Quest 3. Meta promises that users should get 2.5 hours of average battery life. battery with a 4,324 mAH battery. That compares to an average of 2.2 hours with a 5,060 mAh battery for the Quest 3.
Along with the announcement of the Quest 3S, Meta also announced that it will discontinue both the Quest 2 and Quest Pro, “selling the remaining headsets until the end of the year or until they run out, whichever comes first,” according to a blog post. . The 128GB version of the Quest 3 will also be phased out at a new lower price of $430, while the 512GB Quest 3 will now be available for $500.
This article has been updated with additional information from the Meta store page.