The force waiting at destiny 2
Destiny 2 is being associated with one of the largest science fiction franchises in history. Yes, you heard it well, Bungie has been associated with Lucasfilm to take the content of Star Wars to the game.
The Destiny 2: Herejy Update, which will be launched on February 4, brings Star Wars thematic content. This includes new armor ornaments, accessories, emotions and finalists inspired by the Star Wars universe. Each Guardian class obtains its own unique armor ornament, designed after the soldiers of the galactic empire. Check out the image below to see an advance of the new march.
Destiny 2 has had some exciting crossovers in the past, with franchises such as Witcher, Mass Effect and Assassin's created by joining the game. But Star Wars's collaboration is, with much, the greatest and we are also excited to think about it.
“What is significant about Dreadnaught's return for heresy is that he will change, and we will fight him in a way that we have not yet experienced.” The Nikko Stevens game narrative architect said. “The Dreadnaught has first awakened in almost a decade, stimulating the avant -garde and the guardians through the system to realize. Finally we came to see what has been of Draadnaught's years after Oryx was carved and his corridors left corroded, without a browser. “