Game Changer starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani has officially announced its trailer release date. Producer Dil Raju shared an exciting update about the film at a recent event. He told that the trailer will be released on January 1, 2025 as a New Year gift for the fans.
At this event, Dil Raju said, “The trailer is ready, but some more work has to be done before releasing it in front of you. Trailer sets the range of a film. We are ready to give you that experience. Trailer 1 January “Will be released on the occasion of New Year.” The Game Changer producer also shared information about the prerelease event of the film. He said that they had a successful program in USA and now they want to organize a program in Telugu states also. He told that he is planning to invite Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan as the chief guest. He said that he will meet the actor to check his availability and then decide the date of the program.
He said, “After the successful event in the US, we wanted to organize a big event in the Telugu states with Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan Garu as the chief guest.” He also mentioned that this event is going to create history in Ram Charan's film.
Game Changer is an upcoming political action drama film directed by ace filmmaker S Shankar. The story is written by Karthik Subbaraj and the film stars Ram Charan in the lead role along with Kiara Advani. The plot focuses on the character of Ram Charan, an IAS officer who fights to reform the corrupt political system. The teaser shows her in different looks
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.