Mumbai The second trailer of actressMP Kangana Ranaut's film 'Emergency' has been released on Monday. Kangana said that the story of 'Emergency' is not just about a controversial leader but it is based on topics which are relevant even today.
Compared to the first trailer, the new trailer showed even more intensity and political power. The trailer depicts the tumultuous days of 1975 and former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's declaration, “Indira is India”.
Talking about the story of the film, Kangana Ranaut said, “After a long journey full of challenges, I am happy that our film 'Emergency' is finally ready for release on the big screen on January 17. This story is not just about a controversial leader, it is based on themes that are relevant even today, making this journey both difficult and important.”
Kangana further said, “Releasing just a week before Republic Day, the film is the right time to reflect on the strength of our Constitution and experience the film with your loved ones.”
Producer Umesh KR Bansal said, “As the 1975 Emergency approaches 50 years, the film is not only a historical retelling but also a reflection on the tenacity of democracy and a tribute to those who fought for it.” Fought.”
He further added, “Emergency is a cinematic milestone that challenges audiences to question, connect and remember the price of freedom.”
Kangana Ranaut herself is the lead actor along with the producerdirector of 'Emergency', which is ready to be released in theaters on January 17. Along with Kangana Ranaut, 'Emergency' also includes actors like Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair as well as late Satish Kaushik.
Zee Studios, Manikarnika Films and Renu Pitti have produced the film. Sanchit Balhara and G.V. Prakash Kumar has composed the music of the film.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.