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HomeEntertainmentThe day of 1982, when the TV screen was filled with color

The day of 1982, when the TV screen was filled with color

New Delhi. Television (TV) is seen in every home today. TV was first introduced in black and white form. Later it adopted different colors. Color TV arrived in India on 25 April 1982. It was first started in Madras. Although, TV had already arrived on 15 September 1959, but after the arrival of color TV, the interest of viewers towards Doordarshan increased.

You can guess the role of color TV in society from the fact that at that time it had become a symbol of economic prosperity of the people. Today, color TVs are found in people's homes without any reason, but earlier only financially rich people used to have TV in their homes.

Today, Doordarshan is the largest network in the country broadcasting a total of 21 channels including two national and 11 regional channels. Doordarshan has ensured its reach even in remote areas on the basis of its reliability. To reach the remote areas of the country, Doordarshan is working with 1,416 transmission centers and 66 studios for program production.

After the advent of colour TV, many programmes started being broadcasted. India hosted the Asian Games in November 1982 and the government broadcast the games in colour. After this, the 1980s are called the 'era of Doordarshan'. Then, serials came into being, which played an important role in establishing the identity of Doordarshan in every household.

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TV has completed a journey of 96 years. The TV which was earlier seen in a box has now become smart. JL Baird can be called the father of TV. Baird made the first television in 1924. The TV remote control was invented by Eugene Pauli, born in Chicago in 1915.

If we talk about color TV, the first color TV was made by Westing House in 1954. Its price was around Rs 6,200, due to which common people were unable to buy it. After this, American electronics company RCA introduced color TV CT100. Its price was around 5 thousand rupees. The company had manufactured 4 thousand units of it.

/ Written By Top News Bulletin

Image Credit: Khaskhabar.

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