Mumbai On the occasion of World Television Day, Devangana Chauhan, who has been a part of shows like Drive with Nano (Season 3), the winner of which and shows like Dhadkan Zindagi Ki, Sapno Ki Chhalaang, and Saavi Ki Sawaari, to name a few, said Said, “I think television has played a huge role in influencing the society. I remember the time when the saasbahu drama and its impact on the society was exposed.” She told that when she was young, when she used to go to shops, they used to sell stuff, and said that it was like Diya Aur Baati Hum or Tulsi Saare. “Things have changed a lot now, but people are still very much influenced by TV and TV shows, be it the looks, the characters or the celebrations,” he said. He explained that television is very relatable and believes that people become influenced by the characters they see on screen.
He said, “Every person who is watching television slowly starts seeing the characters in themselves and sitting at home, the characters and the audience start getting connected. It is not just about serials, but news, music and films. It's also about what we get to see.” “Television has become more realistic, and even the audience has become more realistic. TV is in the liberation phase right now. I don't think there is a need to compare OTT with TV, because both have their own charm. ” Devangana, a child of the 90s, grew up watching Surbhi and Chitrahaar on Doordarshan.
He said, “I remember the time when there was a cartoon channel in India where you could watch cartoons for two hours. And with time when daily soaps started coming, it became a complete game changer. I remember that The whole family used to sit together and watch the entire series and drama. I have seen those changes, and I miss them.
Any TV show that has made an impact on you? “I remember a show for children and Son Pari, Shaka Laka Boom Boom. I could relate to all these shows, and the best part was that at the end of each episode, children were given a message to learn and move ahead in life,” she concluded.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.