Mumbai Actress Soha Ali Khan on Sunday remembered her late father and cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi on his 84th birth anniversary. Actress Soha Ali Khan, who is active on social media, shared pictures and videos with her husbandactor Kunal Khemu and daughter Inaaya, in which all three were seen praying at the grave of their late father. Daughter Inaya has also taken a cake. Along with the post shared on Instagram, the actress wrote in the caption, Aaj 84 (84th birth anniversary today). Soha's daughter Inaya wrote an emotional letter remembering her maternal grandfather. The letter wished him a happy birthday and also wrote Merry Christmas along with wishes for a happy New Year.
Soha Ali Khan is active on social media and often shares her special moments with fans. The actress recently gave a glimpse of Happy Weekend, in which her mother and actress Sharmila Tagore were seen busy with the children and the entire family was seen chatting a lot.
Soha had shared a video on social media, in which she was seen celebrating a memorable weekend with Sharmila Tagore, Kunal Khemu, Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan and children. While sharing a video on Instagram, Soha Ali wrote in the caption, “The weekend we all needed.”
The actress had included singer Lucky Ali's song 'Kitni Haseen Zindagi' in the lovely family video. In the clip, Kunal Khemu was having fun with the children in the swimming pool, while the entire family was seen sitting together and chatting. Everyone was also seen eating together at the dinner table.
Talking about Soha Ali's work front, the actress will be seen in the horrorthriller 'Chhori 2'. The actress is playing an important role in the sequel of Nushrat Bharucha starrer 2021 film 'Chhori'. 'Chhori 2' is the remake of Marathi film 'Lapachapi'. –
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.