Actress Shraddha Kapoor, daughter of veteran actor Shakti Kapoor, was seen in the blockbuster film 'Stree 2' last year. This film, released on Independence Day, broke many records of success. After this, there was a tremendous increase in Shraddha's popularity. The desperation of his fans increased on social media. They always wait for his post.
Meanwhile, Shraddha has shown fans a glimpse of her new hairstyle. In the photo she has shared, she looks like a doll. Shraddha has shared two pictures on her Instagram. In the first picture, Shraddha was seen taking a mirror selfie in the salon after getting her new hair cut and in the second picture, she was seen taking a selfie in the lift. Shraddha was seen wearing blue pants with a denim shirt. In the photo, the actress also wrote a beautiful caption along with the post, “It was successful.”
It is noteworthy that last month Shraddha had shared her throwback video of 2024, in which she was seen enjoying delicious food. Let us tell you that Shraddha made her Bollywood debut with the 2010 drama film 'Teen Patti'. After this, she became an overnight star with 'Aashiqui 2' with Aditya Roy Kapur. At present, she remains the first choice of the makers.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.