Sanjay Dutt has been among the veteran stars of Bollywood for the last 44 years. This actor, popularly known as 'Sanju Baba', has proved himself in every kind of film. Fans are still admirers of his acting. Sanjay's personal life has been full of ups and downs. Sanjay often gets emotional remembering his late parents Nargis and Sunil Dutt. Both of them were veteran artists. However, Sanjay has shared a photo on his Instagram, which is attracting everyone's attention.
It stars Sanjay and Baba Bageshwar. Both of them are holding each other's hands. Baba honored Sanjay. Both are looking very happy. While sharing the photo, Sanjay wrote, “It is an honor for Shri Dhirendra Shastri ji Bageshwar Dham to come to my house and bless us all. Guruji and I are like family, like brothers. Jai Bhole Nath. Let us tell you that Sanjay had also participated in Baba's Padyatra recently, after which he was being discussed a lot.
Even then Sanjay had shown great affection towards Baba. Then Sanjay had said that Guruji is my younger brother. Wherever Baba calls me for any work, I will be present. Fans are really liking Sanjay's spiritual look. They are showering lots of love on Sanjay by commenting. If we look at Sanjay's work front, he will soon be seen in 'Baaghi 4', 'Housefull 5' and 'Welcome to the Jungle'. His role in 'Baaghi 4' will be that of a villain.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.