Mumbai . Famous TV actress Rupali Ganguly shared a funny video on social media, in which she was seen giving a glimpse of the bond between her character of her successful show 'Anupama' and 'Baa' (motherinlaw in the show) fame Alpana Butch.
Actress Rupali Ganguly, who is active on social media, often stays connected with fans on Instagram with beautiful and funny posts. The latest video is from the sets of the successful show 'Anupama', sharing which the actress wrote in the caption, “'Anupama' and 'Baa' and this is what we call Baatitude.” This is normal behavior when shooting with each other. Alpana Butch, you are such a troublesome woman, I love you.”
At the end of the caption, the actress further mentioned her saree and wrote, “By the way, I love this saree and this is my favorite blouse, Nisha Bedi (fashion designer).”
In the video shared, actress Rupali Ganguly was seen in her favorite black and gold saree. As soon as the video starts, she comes to Alpana, sits on her lap and then asks her how she is looking? On this, Alpana says jokingly, it looks like a sofa cover or a purse, to which Rupali says, “I am a curtain, I am a curtain”. On his reply, Alpana says in a funny manner, “So go and stay behind the curtain.”
Rupali had recently denied rumors of leaving her successful show 'Anupamaa'. The actress had told that 'Anupama' is not just a show for her but it is an emotion.
She had said, “Wow, I appreciate those who imagine like this. This is my second home and this unit is like a family. So, does one leave one's family, one's home? God forbid, this should ever happen in life. If Rajan ji (producer of the show) ever says that he doesn't need me anymore, I can fight him and say, please let me stay in 'Anupamaa'.”
She said, “This show has given me everything in life, I will remain a part of this show till the end. Even if I face obstacles, I will not leave. It is quite ridiculous that people are speculating about this.” “
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.