The magic of Pushpa 2, which was released on December 5, still remains on the audience. The film continues to earn handsomely even after 18 days. Recently it crossed the Rs 1000 crore mark at the box office and has now broken the record of Baahubali 2.
On Sunday, 'Pushpa 2' collected Rs 33.25 crore. Out of this, Rs 26.75 crore was earned only from the Hindi market. The total net collection of the film has now reached Rs 1062.9 crore, which is much more than the collection of Rs 1030.42 crore of 'Baahubali 2'. In Hindi, Pushpa 2 has so far managed to do a business of more than Rs 665 crore. Pushpa 2 is now close to joining the Rs 700 crore club in Hindi too, which is a big record in itself.
Although its shows will be reduced from Wednesday with the performance of Baby John, there will not be much difference in its business. Managers of theaters say that currently there are more shows of Pushpa 2 but the number of viewers has decreased. At the same time, due to reduction in shows from Wednesday, spectators will start appearing on the seats which were earlier seen vacant, this will not make any significant difference in the pace of its business.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.