Ranveer Singh's fans are waiting for his next film. Ranveer's previous film was 'Singham Again', which was released on November 1 last year on the occasion of Diwali. The film was a superhit and Ranveer's performance in it was also praised. Meanwhile, after becoming a father in September 2024, Ranveer has started shooting for the film 'Dhurandhar'. Her look from the sets of 'Dhurandhar' has been leaked. Many pictures and videos of Ranveer are going viral on social media. In these, Ranveer is seen in different avatars.
Ranveer is wearing a pink turban with suitboots in some pictures. This is the first time that Ranveer will win people's hearts in the avatar of a turban on screen. There are injury marks on his face also. In a video, Ranveer can be seen wearing yellow colored kurta pajama. He appears to be waiting for someone with long hair, long beard and a cigarette in his hand.
They seem no less than a mafia. Looking at this 23 second video, it seems that Ranveer is kidnapping a child and taking him in the car. The director of Dhurandhar is Aditya Dhar. Jyoti Deshpande is producing this film under the banner of B62 Studios along with Yami's husband Aditya Dhar and Lokesh Dhar.
This multistar movie also stars Sanjay Dutt, R Madhavan, Akshay Khanna and Yami Gautam along with Ranveer. Last year in July, Ranveer had shared a post giving information about the star cast of the film. He wrote, “This is for my fans, who have been very patient with me and have been pushing for such a change. I love you all and I promise you that this time, a cinematic experience like never before.
With your blessings, we begin this spectacular, big motion picture adventure with passionate energy and pure intention. This time, it's personal.” After watching the leaked videos and pictures of Ranveer, fans say that Ranveer's Sardar look matches with Ranbir Kapoor of 'Animal'.
Seeing him with open long hair reminds me of Shahrukh Khan of 'Pathan'. Apart from this, Ranveer's long hair look also reflects his character of 'Alauddin Khilji' in the movie 'Padmavat'. Commenting on one user, he wrote, “Body language is like Ranbir Kapoor.” One wrote, “Cheap copy of Animal.”
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.