Mumbai . Famous Bollywood actress Nimrat Kaur on Tuesday wished her followers 'Dhanteras' on social media. Said with a special appeal, celebrate 'cracker free Diwali' for the sake of voiceless animals.
He posted a picture on Instagram with his two voiceless friends. These are two cats. Nimrat is posing with cats in traditional wear.
In the caption of this post, he wrote, “If you love your dear friends… then please refuse crackers this Diwali. And on this matter, Happy Dhanteras to you from our side.”
He further said, “This is not a matter of fun. Dogs and cats can hear 3 to 4 times louder than us humans. The funny fact is that no human being was harmed during this photoshoot. After this he said Happy Used hashtags like Dhanteras, Happy Diwali and Cracker Free Diwali.
Let us tell you that on October 25, the actress had unveiled the statue of her father Major Bhupendra Singh in Sri Ganganagar. The event was organized on the 72nd birth anniversary of his father.
In the programme, she talked about how her father raised her “like a son”, and instilled in her strength, perseverance in every situation and the values of independence, without any discrimination on the basis of gender. .
Nimrat had told, “Building a memorial in the memory of my father was a dream that we all had as a family for a very long time and for the last one year I have personally been working on it with the help of the authorities and the army. This is where he was born, this is his ancestral village, so as a family we feel that our dream is finally coming true.”
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.