A documentary series titled The Roshans is set to showcase the story of actor Hrithik Roshan's illustrious film family, which includes his filmmaker father Rakesh Roshan, musician uncle Rajesh Roshan and his late grandfather and music maestro Roshan. Netflix announced on its social media handle on Wednesday that the documentary will take viewers on an intimate journey into his life “exploring three generations of passion, dedication and outstanding contributions” to Hindi cinema.
The documentary centers on the late Roshan Lal Nagrath, better known as Roshan, and highlights his descendants – Rakesh Roshan, Rajesh Roshan and Hrithik Roshan – who have worked as directors, creators, composers and actors. Has uniquely shaped the landscape of the Indian entertainment world.
Film industry veteran Shashi Ranjan has directed and coproduced this documentary series with Rakesh Roshan, featuring candid conversations with industry peers, friends and colleagues who offer their views on Roshan's legacy. “We are extremely excited to partner with Netflix and share the previously untold stories that have shaped our lives,” the Roshan family said.
Ranjan said, “This platform allows us to reach audiences across the world and it is an honor to showcase our journey in front of the audience.” Directing this docuseries has been an incredibly rewarding journey.
He said, “To be invited into the world of the Roshan family and entrusted with their legacy is a privilege for which I am grateful. It is an honor to bring the story of their creativity, courage and commitment to the world and the legacy of the legendary film family on Netflix. “Incorporating the stories of” was undoubtedly the only way forward.
Apart from this, Hrithik Roshan is currently busy with the second installment of War with Jr NTR. He will also be seen in Krrish 4, directed by Karan Malhotra and also starring Preity Zinta and Nora Fatehi.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.