Mumbai . Senior actress Neetu Singh Kapoor welcomed the New Year with her family. The actress shared those moments captured on camera with her fans. His friend Soni Razdan, star couple RanbirAlia, daughter Riddhima with her husband and daughter were part of the celebration.
Neetu shared a series of these four pictures on the social media platform Instagram. Looking at them one realizes that the dress code is black. Everyone is wearing black outfits. However, Samdhan has cheated. She is wearing a red color dress. She has twinned with her granddaughter and Neetu's granddaughter Raha. Soni was seen in red blingy dress. A family was seen celebrating New Year with floor seating in a garden area.
Raha is in Papa's lap and she is wearing a red colored frock. In the picture posted late night, Raha is not looking at the camera. The entire family is clicked in one frame. Neetu, who often gets everyone's praise for her one liners, has given a very simple caption. It is written- Happy New Year 2025 (Happy New Year).
In the first picture, Neetu Singh's soninlaw Bharat Sahni, daughter Riddhima, Neetu Singh, Ranbir, Alia, Soni and granddaughter are together. In its next picture three generations are seen together. Meaning granddaughter, daughter and grandmother in one frame. The third selfie is which Ranbir has taken and in it both Neetu Singh's children and granddaughter are there. Ranbir and mother are together at the end.
Many of her fans were happy to see little Raha in a red and white frock and wrote, 'Happy New Year, my favorite Ranbir Kapoor and lovely family, especially Raha.'
Netizens like Raha a lot. Recently she was clicked by the paparazzi while going for Christmas celebrations. She was seen giving flying kisses and Merry Christmas to the photographers.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.