A heartwrenching news has come out from Mayanagari Mumbai. According to reports, Marathi actress Urmila Kanetkar's car crushed two laborers working under the Poisar metro station in Mumbai. In which one laborer died on the spot, while the other is undergoing treatment in the hospital. His condition currently remains critical.
The video of the horrific accident is becoming increasingly viral on social media. The driver of the car and the actress were also injured in the accident. Regarding this incident, Mumbai Police says that a case has been registered and further investigation is going on.
According to the information, actress Urmila was going home in her car after finishing her shooting last night. During that time the speed of the car was very fast. The driver suddenly lost control. After which this accident happened. According to the latest information, Samtanagar Police of Mumbai has registered a case against the car driver and started further investigation.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.