Lyricist and scriptwriter Manoj Muntashir was displeased by a statement made by star cricketer Yuvraj Singh's father. Yograj Singh, father of Yuvraj Singh, the star cricketer of the Indian cricket team, in one of his interviews called Hindi a women's language, on which Manoj Muntashir got very angry. Manoj Muntashir also lost his temper and in one of his X posts he slammed Yuvraj Singh's father Yograj Singh. Now people are giving their respective reactions on this issue and the matter seems to be gaining momentum.
Manoj called Yograj Singh a great fool
Manoj Muntashir wrote in his There should be someone to call this big fool who insults the third biggest language and the brave women of this country as 'the language of slap'.” Manoj did not stop here and talked about Yuvraj Singh's father breaking his teeth and also wrote a wish for his speedy recovery at the end of the post.
Manoj Muntashir talked about breaking teeth
Manoj Muntashir wrote in the post, “Both femininity and Hindi have taught us patience, otherwise there is no dearth of sons and daughters of the Hindi mother in India who break the fangs of this poisonspewing snake. A prayer for this patient. I want to do it in Punjabi, the great language of the Gurus.” Let me tell you that Yograj Singh said in a conversation with Samdish Bhatia on the YouTube channel named Unscripted. So the Hindi language sounds as if a woman is speaking.”
When women speak, they like Hindi language.
When he was asked, don't you like Hindi? In response, Yograj Singh said- I like it, it feels very good when a woman speaks. Yograj Singh said, “When a man speaks Hindi, we wonder who this person has come and what he is saying.” When Yograj Singh was asked then what is the language of men, he immediately started speaking in Punjabi and speaking in a woman's voice said, “This is some language. This is some language, you tell me.” He said that when someone says in Hindi, I feel as if I am falling. However, he praised the Hindi spoken in MughaleAzam.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.