Mumbai, Actress Mamta Kulkarni has retired in the Mahakumbh organized in Prayagraj. A video of Mamta has surfaced on social media, in which the actress was seen getting emotional during the rituals being performed to take retirement.
In the video that surfaced on social media, the actress was emotional during the spiritual ritual and had tears in her eyes. In the video, Mamata was shown preparing to adopt the path of renunciation.
In the video, Kulkarni was seen in saffron clothes along with a Rudraksha rosary. Mamta, who came to India especially for Mahakumbh, was seen posing with her fellow monks.
According to media reports, the 'Karan Arjun' fame actress met Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Dr. Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi at Kinnar Akhara during Mahakumbh on Friday, who blessed her. It is said that Mamata had performed the ritual of Pind Daan at Sangam and her coronation took place at Kinnar Akhara.
The actress, who became a monk in the Mahakumbh, was also given a new spiritual name. Mamta Kulkarni was named 'Shri Yamai Mamta Nand Giri'. He has been officially appointed as the Mahamandaleshwar of the Kinnar Akhara during a grand traditional ceremony.
Recently, in an interview with news agency , Mamata talked about the long distance she maintained from India and the entertainment industry.
He had told, “The reason for my leaving India was spirituality. In 1996, I got inclined towards spirituality and during that time I met Guru Gagan Giri Maharaj. After his visit, my interest in spirituality increased and my penance started. However “I believe that Bollywood gave me fame. I left Bollywood and continued penance from the year 2000 to 2012.”
The actress had further said, “I spent several years in Dubai, where I lived in a twobedroom flat and during these 12 years I practiced celibacy.”
Mamta's last released film was 'Kabhi Tum Kabhi Hum' in 2002. After this he left the entertainment world.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.