Mumbai Film industry's talented actress Adah Sharma will give her live performance on Shiv Tandav Stotram in Mahakumbh. Ada Sharma is going to Kumbh for the first time. Let us tell you, the Maha Kumbh Mela will start with many big Bollywood celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and other stars like Shankar Mahadevan, Kailash Kher, Hariharan, Mohit Chauhan. Actress Ada Sharma's name has also been included in the list of stars performing in Mahakumbh. She will chant Shiv Tandav Stotra during the live performance. The actress is active on social media and often shares her latest posts with fans. On her Instagram handle, the actress had shared a video while chanting live, in which she was seen reciting the entire Shiv Tandav with her eyes closed.
The actress's video had gone viral. Recently, the actress shared a video on social media and gave a glimpse behind the shooting. Sharing the video on Instagram, she wrote, “I am not one of those people who likes smoking, but I do it for my love.” (The love here is for cinema) Rita Sanyal. Along with this, the actress said that cigarette smoking is harmful for health. It was also mentioned that carbon monoxide smoke is injurious to health.
Ada Sharma is counted among those actresses who keep their fans updated with new posts on social media. Earlier, the actress had shared a post, in which she was seen working out. While sharing the video, the actress had written, “Some meditative things can also be good in between workouts. Celebration today! Because this is baby Kharutai (squirrel), who was very scared of me, but now slowly he is trusting me. Earlier she was so afraid of me that she used to run away even when she saw me standing far away.
Talking about Ada Sharma's work front, the actress was recently seen in “Rita Sanyal”. The television series, directed by Abhirup Ghosh, premiered on October 14, 2024 on Disney Plus Hotstar. He was seen in “Bastar: The Naxal Story”, a political thriller directed by Sudipto Sen and produced by Vipul Amritlal Shah. It also stars Adaa Sharma along with Indira Tiwari, Vijay Krishna, Shilpa Shukla, Yashpal Sharma, Subrata Dutta and Raima Sen.
The actress has Mahesh Bhatt's romantic film 'Tumko Meri Kasam' lined up. The actress will be seen in the lead role in the film. However, the film makers have kept the information about his character a secret for now. –
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.