Kiara Advani's fans are in deep shock after several reports surfaced on social media claiming that her health has deteriorated and the actress is hospitalised. Now, Kiara's team has come forward and issued a clarification on this, stating that the actress has been advised to take rest after extreme work. Her representative dismissed reports that the actress has been admitted to hospital. After Kiara did not attend the trailer launch event of her upcoming film Game Changer on Saturday, reports of her being hospitalized came to light.
“Kiara Advani has not been admitted to the hospital, she has been advised rest due to fatigue as she has been working continuously,” the representative told PTI. Kiara will be last seen in Satyaprem Ki Katha in 2023. Was seen, in which she acted with Kartik Aryan.
Game Changer is a political action thriller directed by S Shankar, which reunites Kiara with Telugu star Ram Charan, who was previously seen in the 2019 film Vinaya Vidya Rama.
Written by Karthik Subbaraj, the film also stars SJ Suryah, Anjali, Prakash Raj, Jayaram, Sunil, Naveen Chandra and Samuthirakani. Ram Charan will be seen playing dual roles in the film, one of Appanna and the other of his son, who is also an IAS officer. Kiara is playing the role of his love interest in Game Changer.
The music of the film is composed by Thaman S. The film will release in theaters on January 10 on the occasion of Makar Sankranti in multiple formats including IMAX, 4DX, Dolby Cinema and EPIQ. If reports are to be believed, it is being said that this film has been made on a big budget of more than Rs 500 crore.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.