Mumbai . Actress Kangana Ranaut's upcoming film 'Emergency' is ready for release. The actress will be seen in the role of former PM Indira Gandhi in the film. He spoke to before the release. During this, he told that he has invited Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra for 'Emergency'.
The upcoming 'Emergency' is based on the 21month period from 1975 to 1977, when former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a nationwide emergency, citing internal and external threats to the country.
The actress told , “I met Priyanka Gandhi in Parliament and the first thing I said to her was, 'You should watch 'Emergency''. On this he said, 'Yes it is possible.' So let's see if she wants to watch the movie. I think it is a very sensitive and intelligent portrayal of an episode and a personality and I have taken great care to portray Indira Gandhi with great dignity in the film.”
The actress said, “When I started researching, I found that there was a lot to know about her personal life. Be it her relationship with her husband, friends or controversial equations.”
She further added, “I thought to myself that there is so much in every person. When it comes to women, they are especially limited by the men around them and in fact most of the controversial content was about that But I have portrayed him with great dignity and sensitivity and I think everyone should watch this film.”
Describing Indira Gandhi as her favorite leader, Kangana said, “Apart from some very strange things that happened during the Emergency, I think she got a lot of love and respect. Becoming Prime Minister three times is no joke. She got love and respect. “
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.