Mumbai,BJP MP from Mandi Lok Sabha seat and famous actress Kangana Ranaut has said that she is very eager to participate in the Mahakumbh. He has appealed to the youth to connect with their religious culture. Because, there is no shame in connecting with your religion and culture. Kangana Ranaut had attended Jagadguru Swami Rambhadracharya's Ram Katha on Sunday. Here he heard the story of Ram.
He said that the way Jagadguru Swami Rambhadracharya narrated the story of Ram, all the devotees along with him became emotional. He is working to link the religious duty of the people with the national duty. He said that my first meeting with Rambhadracharya ji was at the Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya. He was performing a yagya at that time. I believe that what cannot belong to this motherland cannot belong to anyone.
On this statement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, 'The message of Mahakumbh is that the entire country should unite', the BJP MP said that it is absolutely correct. Look, we have seen many times in history that whether it is the time of the British or the era of different political parties, there have been attempts to divide us. But Prime Minister Narendra Modi is working to unite this country. People will come from all over the country and abroad to participate in the Mahakumbh. I am also eager to go there.
On former Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray's inclination towards Hindutva, the BJP MP said that we all should feel proud in connecting with our culture. No one should hesitate in joining Sanatan Dharma. We all felt disoriented somewhere during our education and life. But great men like Swami Vivekananda, Sadhguru and Swami Rambhadracharya connected us with our culture. I want to tell the youth that there should be no shame in connecting with their culture and traditions.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.