Mumbai Actor Hrithik Roshan, famous as 'Greek God', is celebrating his 51st birthday today. The actor mentioned some strange incidents related to life in the press conference organized on the occasion of his upcoming documentary. He also said that he doesn't like anyone giving him much attention.
The actor said, “When I saw this documentary I was absolutely amazed. It is so beautifully directed.”
The actor told that he never met his grandfather.
He described the documentary as fantastic and said, “I wonder if I will magically get a chance to talk to him. After watching the documentary I would really like to ask him about his childhood, what he faced, I wonder What he would ask me I think he might ask me is 'Am I happy?'”
The actor cited his first film 'Kaho Na Pyaar Hai', released in 2000, as his inspiration.
The actor said, “I would like to thank him because I often think about what was the inspiration inside me when I was doing my first film. What was it? Where did it come from? The easiest answer is that it was already It was in my genes and it continued.”
Hrithik Roshan is known as the 'Greek God' of Bollywood because of his attractive looks. He told that he does not like to attract attention.
The actor said, “When my dad said he wanted to make this documentary, I felt weird. I don't like attention and then I realized it's not about me. It's about history and history is important. It's about my ancestors, my momdad, my grandfather, my uncle.”
He said, “Their stories inspired me a lot. It motivated me so much that I could win. The real celebration of this documentary will be that it is able to inspire cinema students, human beings across the world.”
When asked what one thing he would like to share with his grandfather, he replied, “I would like to share my son's creations with him, which is in our genes. This is as a gift.”
The upcoming Netflix series is based on the tough times and triumphs in the lives of Bollywood's Roshan familymusicians Roshan Lal Nagrath, Rajesh, Rakesh and Hrithik.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.