Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan and superstar Rajinikanth have shared screen space before. Both of them worked together for a short time in the film Bhagwan Dada. Hrithik was very young at that time. Recently speaking at the trailer launch of the Netflix documentary, The Roshans, Hrithik recalled his time on the sets and said that if he got a chance to work together again he would behave very differently with Rajinikanth.
Commenting on a picture of the two of them from that time, Hrithik said, “This is a picture of a very ignorant, stupid little boy who had no idea that he was hanging out with the greatest legend of all time.” For me, it was Rajni uncle, I used to work with him willingly, I would feel the burden and weight of that moment. I will do it when I Sharing screen space with him, oh my God, he is so gentle and so generous.”
“Whenever I made a mistake, my grandfather would cut the shot and Rajini sir would take the blame. So that I, a child, would not come to my senses,” he said amid applause from the audience.
Meanwhile, The Roshans is an exclusive docuseries that offers a closer look at the Roshan family, starring Rakesh Roshan, Rajesh Roshan and Hrithik Roshan. It will premiere on Netflix on January 17.
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Image Credit: Khaskhabar.